Summer is treating me nicely so far. There have only been a few bumps in the road. JL and JLG broke up again so she's back to JLX. They broke up because something was about to happen to where they wouldn't be able to go out but she decided not to go or not to do it or something. Then JL tried to get back with her and she wouldn't take him back. She had already got with another guy. Oh well. It is what it is, JL. He's not as bad as he used to be. Thank gush. Well we had Bible study yesterday at Mama Carmen's and we all had fun. I've been talking to a guy(not talking like that. I barely know him.) and he's a pretty nice person. His nickname will be....TB4. Oh yes that's cryptic. You have to have some skill to figure out who that is. Speaking of cryptic, I'll be revealing who all the nicknames are after I graduate(unless they don't want to be revealed.). So anyway, I've made a new friend it seems! So next week I'll be going back south so I can get ready for basketball camp. I've been staying in shape and I know the new play our coach put in so I should be good and set. I hope me being up here with Momma doesn't hinder my chances of being on the team. Momma is practicing with me and she's helping me on layups and freethrows(I don't have to jump anymore!). All I know is I'm going to bust my butt to get on the team. If I don't make it after giving it all I've got, then so be it, but I'm NOT going down without putting up a good fight. Did I tell you all that I made drum major again? Well in case I didn't tell you: I MADE DRUM MAJOR!!! 2 YEARS IN A ROW!!! Yep. I'm good like that. I'm also 15 years old now(finally!!!) so I'll start learning to drive. I'll get my permit at 16 and my licence at 17. Wow I only have three years of high school left. I don't know where I'll go to college, but let's stop thinking so far up ahead. Next month, I'll be back down south and we'll(the basketball team) will be going to basketball camp. Then after basketball camp, I'll be packing for Jacksonville,FL for the 52nd family reunion! We're gonna have so much fun! If any of you know some good places to go, let me know by commenting in the comment box.(click the title of this post and wait until the comment box pops up.)